Postfix Admin is a web-based interface to configure and manage a Postfix-based email server for many users. Features include support for virtual domains and aliases, quotas, and vacation/out-of-the-office messages. It requires PHP, Postfix, and one of MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite.
Postfix Admin has a concept of a "global" administrator (think 'root') and domain administrators. When you install PostfixAdmin, it will ask you to create the global administrator account.
PostfixAdmin is only a web interface for storing configuration settings. It does not (by default!) have the ability to create mail folders on disk or run as a mail server.
- manage mailboxes, virtual domains, and aliases
- Vacation/out-of-office messages
- Alias domains
- Easy UI to manage mailboxes
- Quota support for single mailboxes and total quota of a domain
- Display used quota
- Fetchmail integration
- Squirrelmail plugin
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